Holiday Tour of Homes

Friday, December 26, 2014

Back to Work!

Hi Everyone,

After several years focused as a stay at home mom, I am excited to be back to work doing what I love!  And what a treat it was to restart my career working on an entire home to be shown in our neighborhood Holiday Tour of Homes!  I nicknamed it "Mission Impossible" (and even set my client's ringtone to the theme song) because we only had a 6 week timeline to accomplish this task!

I like timelines.  They help me stay motivated.  But considering how close we were to the holidays, it was daunting to find an upholsterer, a drapery seamstress, a painter, and an electrician that could squeeze a big project into their schedules!  This is where I confirmed that God gave me this ability and He confirmed that He wanted me to use it.  Because He provided all of these wonderful trades!!

I thoroughly enjoyed working on this house.  Design work is very therapeutic for me.  Being creative releases my happy hormones!  And it felt good to be someone other than "Mom" for a few hours a day.  But I especially enjoyed making new relationships.  The clients have become dear friends now!

I hope you enjoy the photo tour!  And please keep me in mind if you need help with your own home!  I offer design packages to out of town clients and full service consultations and designs to clients in the Marietta, GA area!  I'm looking forward to the next project!

Much love,

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