Holiday Tour of Homes

About Me

About Me
I am an Interior Designer in Marietta, GA.  Interior design isn't just my background, it's my upbringing!  I grew up in Nashville, TN with an engineer/handy man/general contractor/home inspector father. And my mother was a decorator/seamstress/home interiors store owner.  Some parents take their kids to ball games, mine took me to the Parade of Homes! My degree is not in interior design and there may be times when it is necessary to consult an architect or contractor.  However, I do have over 8 years of experience and knowledge, and a love for design that makes me very good at what I do!
So much of a decorator's job is project management.  She must be able to communicate with clients and subcontractors.  She must be able to set forth a schedule but be able to roll with the punches.  She must be able to problem solve.  She must be able to handle many irons in the fire. And she must be able to roll up her sleeves and get a little paint in her hair from time to time. It's easy to convince you of my abilities in this area....  I have four kids.  Enough said!  :-)

Working With Me
I get a little (okay, a lot) giddy when I receive a call from a new client (or and old client with a new project.)  A new challenge excites me! I try to get to know your family and your lifetstyle.  I try to listen to what you like and translate that into a home that you love. I strive to build a trusting relationship throughout the decorating process.  It is an honor that you would trust me with your home and your hard earned money.  I take that very seriously.  I am happy to work on large or small projects, fast or slow. I really desire for you to find that decorating is fun!  I'm here to excahnge the discomfort for excitement and make decorating a pleasurable experience.

A good designer has a signature style.  That's a good thing!  It means her work is reliable and consistent and you can feel confident in the outcome of your own home. That said, I do love a project that stretches me sometimes!  It keeps me fresh and sparks new creative juices! My signature style would probably be described as traditional (I am from the South, after all!) blended with contemporary design. I specialize in color and I'm great at combining fabrics you might not think to put together.  I like to start with color to evoke the feeling you want.  There are no bad colors- just bad color combinations.  My utmost goal is to provide you with quality products (the best you can afford) and with quality work (the best I can give you) every time.

I look forward to working with you!

Claire Nelms

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