Holiday Tour of Homes

Hire Me

Services Offered 

     So you're thinking of hiring a decorator!  I know this because you clicked on this page!  :-)  Often, people assume they couldn't afford a decorator.  On the contrary, it's so much more affordable than you might think!  Hiring a decorator can help you save money, especially on costly mistakes.
     My pricing is easy.  I charge $50 per hour.  The beauty here is that you can proceed according to your timeline and budget.  On occasion, such as during an installation, I need an extra set of hands.  At these times, I will bring my design assistant.  The charge for the design assistant is $20 per hour.
     A deposit is required before I will begin purchasing for you. We'll discuss this and decide on an amount together. You'll receive a spending register with your weekly invoice to keep you informed of your account balance. I typically invoice on Fridays.  Invoices are due upon recieipt.  Claire Nelms Interiors accepts cash or checks.
      After our initial meeting together, we both sign a Letter of Agreement, agreeing on which services you'd like for me to complete, timeline and payment schedule.  And then I get to work doing what I do best- creating a more beautiful, functional and personal home for you!  I look forward to working with you!

Complete Project
  First, we meet in your home to discuss your budget and timeline, style and color preferences, and which room(s) you'd like to improve.  The next time we meet, I'll bring a full design presentation.  This includes furniture layout to scale, fabric & paint options, drapery plans, cabinet and tile designs and estimated costs.  I do the majority of the sourcing and purchasing.  I observe and communicate with the trades.  And I finish with arranging the furniture and accessories to finish the room!  And, of course, we're communicating throughout the entire process to ensure it is a room perfectly suited for you!

Decorating Consultant 
     Sometimes you have a good idea of what you like.  And maybe you're very handy with a paintbrush.  And maybe you even love shopping but you just can't figure out how to pull it all together!  Then partnering with me as a decorating consultant is perfect for you.  We'll schedule a couple of hours to meet in your home and answer as many questions as possible!  I can suggest paint color choices, furniture arrangement, which fabrics to use where, and even accessory ideas.  I can also help you plan your budget for the room to get everything you want.

Staging & Arranging
     Staging- Preparing to move is so stressful!  Trust me, after 7 moves in 14 years, I know!  So I can help take the pressure off by getting your home looking it's best to sell!  I will arrange your own furniture and accessories for better flow and broader appeal.  I will also gladly leave you with paint color options to freshen up the space.  And for a good cup of coffee, I might even pack a box!
     Arranging- Furniture, artwork and accessory arrangement makes all the difference in the feel and function of a room.  It only takes a few hours to have better flow and a more balanced feel!

Packaged Design Plan
     This is a perfect option for out of town clients or DIYers with a big project.  We'll begin with a phone conversation about the room and your needs.   Then you'll send me lots of pictures and measurements of the room.  In approximately 3-4 weeks, you'll receive a complete design plan (to keep) that you can follow to complete the room yourself.  It will include furniture suggestions and layout to scale, fabric & paint suggestions, drapery plans and accessory suggestions.  All of these suggestions come with local or online sources for you to purchase the products.

Holiday/ Seasonal/ Party Decorating
      You can mark one more item off your long to-do list!  I can help you prepare for the holidays or parties by taking care of all the decorating for you!  Using your own decorations or purchasing new, it will be splendid!


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